Open Competition 2024 Results
Sunday 18th August
1st - Gee|Morrision|Ryder|Warburton | 87 Points|£75
2nd - Colebourne|Allen|Lancaster|Waite | 87 Points (card play off) |£40
3rd - Leigh|Clarke|Crowden|Oran|86 Points |£25
2 Two's @ £60 Per Two
Seniors Open
Thursday 8th August
1st - Gardner|Dietz|Whittle|Fairclough | 89 Points | £100
2nd - Whitworth | Peak | Peak | Irving | 87 Points | £60
3rd - Mooney | Akroyd |Birkin |Jacobs |86 Points | £40
7 Two's @ £20 per two
Junior Open
Friday 19th July
Winner - Maisy Scott - 37 Points (£55)
Runner Up - Thomas Balakrishan - 35 Points (£30)
Mixed Open
Sunday 23rd June
1st - Jaggs|Smith|Ward|Shawcross - 83 Points (£50 each)
2nd - Charlton|Blades|Unsworth|Bromilow - 79 Points (£25 each)
1 Two worth £70 (£17.50 per player)
Thursday 6th June
Seniors Open
1st - Turner|Walker|Mitton|Rigby - 84 Points (£75 each)
2nd - Waterson|Griffiths|Dixon|Hutchings (£50 each)
3rd - Stevens|Owen|Walsh|Bownas (£35)
5 Twos' @ £20 each
Sunday 26th May
Gents 4 Man Team Open
1st - Studholme|Church|Yearn Wooff - 90 Points (£55 each)
2nd - Bradley|Lawler|Haywood|Haywood - 83 Points (£35 each)
3rd - Winnard|Wolfenden|Richmond|Sourbutts (£25 each)
9 twos @ £12.22 per two
Seniors 4BBB Open
Thursday 18th April 2024
1st - Hodges | Mcdonnell - 42 (£90 each)
2nd - Ball | Leahy - 41 (£80 each)
3rd - Sykes | Wood - 39 (£70 each)
4th - Walmsley | Tweedle - 38 (£60 each)
5th - Turner | O'Neill - 38 (£50 each)
Twos Paid @ £42.50
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Seniors YellowBall Open
Thursday 28th September 2023
1st - Jolley | Ainsworth | Dowall | Cragg - 80 (£45 each)
2nd - Dunn | Simpson | Hallworth | Harrison - 80 (£35 each)
3rd - West | Billings | Denney | Cook - 79 (£25 each)
Twos Paid at £20 per two
All monies paid onto proshop accounts
Ladies Open
Sunday 17th September 2023
1st - Unsal | Berends-Sheriff | Monks | Eccles - 82 (£40 each)
2nd - Riding | Appleby | Lilley | Park - 79 (£25 each)
3rd - Smith | Redford | Shawcross | Moss - 76 (£15 each)
Gents 4 Man Team Open
Sunday 20th August 2023
1st - Doohan | Walshe | Shipley | Battersby - 87 (£80 each)
2nd - Goss | Robson | Gaynor | Lawson - 86 (£65 each)
3rd - Dakin | Riley | Greenwood | Smith - 84 (£50 each)
Twos paid at £21.25
all monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Seniors 4 Man Team Open
Thuesday 10th August 2023
1st - Cornwell | Garry | Bilsbrough | Hodgeson - 87 (£100 each)
2nd - Gregrory | Sheridan | Thompson | Barker - 86 (£75 each)
3rd - Laybourn | Clarke | Tillotson | Harle - 85 (£50 each)
4th - Kinghorn | Evans | Mitcheson | Horner - 84 (£25 each)
Twos paid at £14.28 per two
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Junior Open
Friday 28th July 2023
1st - Pendleton - 39 (£50)
2nd - Good - 38 (£30)
3rd - Greenhalgh - 37 (£20)
No Twos for this competition
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts.
Mixed Team Open
Sunday 18th June 2023
1st - Wan | Yiu | Leung | Leung - 81 (£50 each)
2nd - Mooney | Mooney | Bolus | Bolus - 79 (£40 each)
3rd - Ashcroft | Ratcliffe | Munro | Munro - 78 (£30 each)
Twos paid at £30 per two
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts.
Seniors 4 Man Team Open
Thursday 8th June 2023
1st - Dunn | Simpson | Harrison | Doherty - 85 (£50 each)
2nd - Baker | Baker | Waite | Mills - 82 (£40 each)
3rd - Robinson | Dixon | Waterson | Tracey - 79 (£25 each)
Twos Paid at £60
all monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Gents 4 Man Team Open
Sunday 21st May 2023
1st - Riding | Hilton | Gordon - 84 (£80 each)
2nd - Rodia | Nixon | Nixon | Berry - 83 (£70 each)
3rd - Harper | Fairclough | Darbyshire | Ramsden - 83 (£60 each)
Twos paid at £40 per two
All monies paid onto proshop accounts
4BBB Seniors Open
Thursday 20th April 2023
1st - Kelly | Kelly - 43 (£90 each)
2nd - Hilton | Tahir - 42 (£80 each)
3rd - Schofield | Jackson - 41 (£70 each)
4th - Goorwappa | Humphrey - 39 (£60 each)
5th - Higginson | Gardner - 38 (£40 each)
Twos paid at £110
All Monies paid onto pro shop accounts.
4BBB Winter Open
Friday 17th Febuary 2023
1st - Reilly | Livsley - 48 (£75 each)
2nd - Dutton | Bramall - 48 (£55 each)
3rd - Mulligan | Mcdaniel - 45 (£35 each)
4th - Scott | Howarth - 44 (£20 each)
Twod paid at £20 per two
All Monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Seniors Yellowball Open
Thursday 29th September 2022
1st - Fox | Hudson | Balshaw | Houliston - 87 (£50 each)
2nd - Peak | Harrison | Simpson | Dean - 81 (£40 each)
3rd - Walsh | Woodcock | Owen | Stevens - 80 (£30 each)
Twos paid at £15
all monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Ladies 4 Person Team open
Thursday 8th August 2022
Pravar | Lamb | Howarth | Greenall - 79 (£40 each)
No Twos. Special mention to Mrs Hilton for a Hole in One on the 14th hole
Gents 4 Man Team Open
Sunday 13th August 2022
1st - Sabrine | Eckersley | Gorton | Mitchell - 91 (£75 each)
2nd - Harrison | Riley | Manfredi | Hesford - 86 (£55 each)
3rd - Latham | Hayes | Harrison | Crompton - 83 (£30 each)
4th -O'Donoghue | Bradley | Varley | Thornton - 83 (£20 each)
twos paid at £44 per two
All monies paid onto proshop accounts
Seniors 4 Man Team Open
Thursday 10th August 2022
1st - Waite | Baker | Baker | Mills - 90 (£65 each)
2nd - Colee | Keeling | Rigby | Barrow - 86 (£55 each)
3rd - Gardner | Fairclough | Whittle | Kay - 85 (£45 each)
4th - Wear | O'Brien | Proctor | Sharp - 84 (£30 each)
5th - Rushton | Smith | Sutton | Thompson - 82 (£20 each)
Twos paid at £30 per two
All monies paid onto proshop accounts
Mixed Open
Sunday 19th June 2022
1st - Wan | Yiu | Ip | Leung | - 86 (£62.50 each)
2nd - Jaggs | Ward | Smith | Shawcross | - 82 (£37.50 each)
3rd - Dale | Dale | Strachen | Strachen - 81 (£25 each)
All Monies paid onto proshop accounts
twos paid at £105 per two
Seniors 4 Man Team
Thursday 10th June 2022
1st - Hurst | Stanley | Hogg | Murphy - 87 (£60 each)
2nd - Stevens | Woodcock | Walsh | Johnson - 85 (£50 each)
3rd - Dunn | Simpson | Harrison | Hallworth - 85 (£40 each)
4th - Culshaw | Walsh | Cox | Kenyon - 85 (£30 each)
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Twos paid at £35 per two
Gents 4 Man Team
Sunday 22nd May 2022
1st - Nicholson | Beere | Lancaster | Alker - 88 (£70 each)
2nd - Morris | Mackey | Brady | Reid - 85 (£60 each)
3rd - Whalley | Langley | Carter | Alling - 85 (£50 each)
4th - Killey | Leonard | Killey | Gibbons - 84 (£40 each)
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Twos paid at £18 per two
Seniors 4BBB Open
Thursday 21st April 2022
1st - Schofield | Jackson - 40 (£95 each)
2nd - Hilton | End - 39 (£85 each)
3rd - parker | Peddle - 39 (£75 each)
4th - Swale | Healey - 39 (£65 each)
5th - Doolan | Stanton - 38 (£55 each)
All Monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Twos paid at £24 per two
Gents 4BBB Winter Open
Friday 21st January 2021
1st - Hilton | Hallows - 54 (£50 each)
2nd - Dunn | Harrison - 54 (£40 each)
3rd - Baker | Duncan - 51 (£30 each)
All monies paid on Pro Shop Accounts
no twos sweep
Gents 4BBB Winter Open
Friday 19th November 2021
1st - Lomax | Greenhalgh - 49 (£75 each)
2nd - Mcmahon | Dietz - 48 (£55 each)
3rd - Herbert | Birch - 48 (£35 each)
4th. - James | James - 47 (£25 each)
7 twos paid @ £17.87
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Gents 4BBB Winter Open
Friday 15th October 2021
1st - Bookwell | Philpott - 44 (£90 each)
2nd - Kelly | Braddock - 42 (£75 each)
3rd - Marland | Wilkins - 42 (£50 each)
4th - Robinson | Bricalli - 42 (£35 each)
4 Twos paid @ £42.50
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Gents Yellowball Open
Thursday 30th September 2021
1st - Cox | Simpson | Harrison | Dunn - 85 points (£95 each)
2nd - West | Todd | Frith | Phillips - 78 points (£75 each)
3rd - Chamberlain | Reynolds | Clutterbuck | Jones - 77 points (£55 each)
4th - McMillan | Harper | Lomax | Howarth - 77 points (£25 each)
3 twos @ £33.33 per two
All monies paid onto Pro Shop accounts.
Ladies Team Open
Sunday 12th September 2021
1st - Sojka | Lowe | Horrocks | Parmer - 89 Points (£45 each)
2nd - Broderick | Silva | Hegarty | Bruce - 80 Points (£30 each)
3rd - Kershaw | Bennett | Wake | Duxbury - 78 Points (£20 each)
Nearest the Pin 10 - G. Lowe
Nearest the Line 12 - R. Sojka
4 Man Team Open
Sunday 15th August 2021
1st - Brearley | Wright | Gray | Owens - 90 points (£70 each)
2nd - Rogers | Leigh | Clarke | Croden - 89 points (£60 each)
3rd - Taylor | Colley | Cross | Crossley - 89 points (£50 each)
4th - Clossick | Clossick | Boswell | Forshaw - 87 points (£25 each)
8 Twos @ £27.70
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Seniors Open 4 Man Team
Thursday 12th August 2021
1st - evans | mitcheson | Horner | Kingdon - 89 Points (£75 each)
2nd - Stringfellow | Bell | Bond | Helm - 85 points (£50 each)
3rd - Grimshaw | Eyre | Hitchmough | fox - 84 points (£25 each)
4th - West | Billings | Denny | Payne - 83 points (£20 each)
6 Twos @ £30
All monies paid onto pro shop accounts
Seniors Open 4 Man Team
Thursday 10th June 2021
1st - Eatough | Stocks | Peddle | Hannah - 92 points (£80 each)
2nd - Joyce | Kenyon | Curwen | Sweeney - 89 points (£65 each)
3rd - Melbourne | Huntley | Griffiths | Taylor - 89 (£50 each)
4th - Hughes | Kenny | Sherbourne | Standring - 89 Points (£30 each)
7 Two's @ 28.57 per two
All monies on pro shop accounts
Gents 4 Man Team
Sunday 23rd May
1st - Reid | Brady | Morris | Clifford - 88 points (£70 each)
2nd - Brierley | Buckley | Drysdale | Longbottom - 86 points (£60 each)
3rd - Carrick | Masters | Hills | Golding (£50 each)
6 two's @ 36.66 per two
Seniors 4BBB Open
Thursday 22nd April
1st - Hughes & Smith - 43 Points £90 each
2nd - Eagle & Walker - 41 Points (back in 23) £80 each
3rd - Halsall & Moss - 41 Points (back in 21) £70 each
4th - Rowles & Atkins - 41 Points (back in 18) £60 each
£18.75 per Two
All monies on Pro Shop account